June 29, 2010
Jo, have to tell you that Thomas and I did flag work with BB in anticipation of his debut as a calvary mount and he was amazing!!!!! Thomas rode him today at a gallop carrying a flagpole/flag and it was beautiful! Also, we shot an unloaded gun (more than a BB gun but less than a 22) and he could care less! Working on more things to do to try to ruffle this guy but we are having to dig deep since you did such a fantastic job on him! I am so proud of my Buffalo Boy and very thankful that you were his first real mom!
Hugs to my dear friend!
Debbie Elrick
September 12, 2010
We are stoked knowing we really get to keep our SunnyMac. It’s still a dream come true, and every time I look out the window I say a gratitude prayer. He and Bill have survived encounters with waist high cholla cactus and barbed wire, and emerged unscathed, more bonded than ever. They are growing in confidence and partnership every time we ride out. SunnyMac loves the trail. He is becoming a desert horse, and we couldn’t be happier with him.
Your breeding program is living art, Jo. It’s a good thing you are doing unto the Lord. Never doubt it. And keep those pics coming!
Hugs, Robin
August 8, 2010
Hey Jo,
Just wanted to say Hi!!!! not sure where you are at this time-suppose you’re packing some supplies for someone – they better appreciate it.
Update on Sierra-she is the sweetest horse. I have enjoyed her so much this spring/summer.
I just got back from a 7 hr ride at Shaver yesterday-had to go cross country as some of the horse trails need work – didn’t let that stop us. Blazed our own trail. Last week we went up to Seville Lake- Kings Canyon. Trail was really challenging (granite switchbacks for what seemed a mile) she placed every foot so softly and steady as we went up and as we came down. That was a real high point for me. I kept talking to her-and she was just as quiet as she could be.
We had just about every kind of crossing there is, lots of water-long causeways, granite steps- bridges -some of the trail I’d take her our in front and she did just fine- however in the more challenging areas we dropped back to follow until I get used to these.
The week before we went up to Twin Lakes – above Huntington Lake – had a wonderful time – she just moved along like it was old stuff to her.
Just wanted to know what a great job you did in training her. Hope to see you soon – so we can ride together.
Take care-stay safe,
Happy Trails
Char Meier
Rode My Mr Patriot yesterday!!! So pleased with him. Carried a plastic bag around and bounced it off him – no reaction, then climbed some really steep terrain – he shifts gears in the rear, went down to Tule river and played in pond and along noisy rapids, had geese and ducks flying in pond, quail in brush – oooo such a perfect boy!
You done good girl! Just want to brag about him to you………………….
November 27, 2006
Hi Jo,
I just want to thank you and Brent once again for the best weekend I have had in a very long time! I have had a smile on my face all day!
You are such kind and caring people. Thank you for making me feel so at home and so relaxed.
I know I still have a lot to learn and I know that I probably make you two say, “Oh my gosh, what are we doing?!” but I promise you that I am going to work diligently to be as good as I can be. I get so intent on doing things perfect that I seem to get it all messed up. I really wanted to show you two that you have nothing to worry about and that BB and I will be wonderful together. Also, I was so sincere when I said that I would love to come and be one of your working students (is that how you say it?). I hope we can do that. I also wanted to tell you that I felt such a special connection with you, Jo, and I have only had that happen two other times in my life. You just seem like someone I have know all of my life and I feel like we have always been friends.
Thank your for your kindness, patience, time and friendship. You are truly a blessing.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. A little too much dust but that’s ok. I took 75 pictures and got several good ones…:)
Hugs to you both.

November 18, 2006
Hi Jo & Brent,
Just wanted to share with you what a great day we had. Took the girls over to Watsonville and picked up another friend of ours. First you need to know that Andre was sitting in her golf cart near the trailer waiting to see Dancer. I do believe we got the seal of approval. While we were waiting for Susan to get ready we decided to try turning QT (Margie’s mare) and Dancer out in one of the grass pastures for the first time together. We could not believe how great it went..you would have thought that they had been together since birth! They ran side by side then stopped to eat a little grass than trotted off again and then rolled..they just had a great time.
We took them to Mt Madonna Park and had a really good ride..the weather was just beautiful and the horses did an awesome job. Dancer led the way probably 3/4 of the time…she got to see the white fallow deer and see a bunch of guys playing football and we went by the old Miller house ruins. She did a really good job.
When we got back to the Watsonville ranch we decided to take advantage of the warm water and give the girls a bath. Dancer wasn’t so sure it was a good idea at first, but she came around to all the scratching and actually started to relax and enjoy it.
Then..Andre came over and asked me for your information..cause she has a client who needs a good horse…So, expect another call..or e-mail inquiry.
I attached a photo of Dancer and QT mowing Andre’s lawn after their bath.
Talk to you soon..
Love Lyn

November 12, 2006
Dancer has not gotten out for a good work out. Any way today I saddled her up..just did a little moving of the hind quarters and then took her over to the mounting block. Well she decided that really wasn’t where she wanted to be and when I went to tell her yes that is what we need to do now she still didn’t agree. I then went and got her halter and lead rope and we took of the saddle and did our ground work. We only worked on it for about 20 minutes..give or take..and then we put our saddle and bridle back on and we walked over to the mounting block where she stood ever so quietly, I got on and she waited for me to tell her it was now okay to move..and we had a great little ride there at the ranch. WOW do I love the training you have put into her and how well she gets with the program when she knows you mean it. I can’t tell how awesome it is to have such a good day. I will keep doing something each day at lunch so we don’t loose what we did today. Hopefully we will get to go to the park on Saturday. Still wanted you to know it was a really good day..I really love working with my mare!
Love ya

October 23, 2006
Hi Jo. Just had to tell you what a great ride Lyn and Dancer had yesterday. Thank you for making it possible for Lyn to own such a wonderful mare. Lyn is a very special lady and I can’t tell you how good I felt watching her enjoy, actually enjoy, her trail ride instead of just not having a wreck!!!!!!!! Lyn is so happy and excited about Dancer that I’m not sure if her face will lose that huge smile. Thank you Jo for giving her smile and confidence back.
September 20, 2006
Hi Brent and Jo,
Just a quick note to thank you for the opportunity to “get acquainted” with Inde. The week was great and he definitely bonded with me and seemed very happy at our little ranch. He definitely likes attention.
Our Farrier was here to shoe Shadow and he could’t wait to see Inde. He wanted me to thank you for raising such a nice horse. He was very impressed with the way that he turned out and he said that I was very lucky to have found a horse such as Inde (he said that if I didn’t want him, he would take him). We took Inde to have our vet check him out and he couldn’t find anything wrong with Inde except for a minor splint situation that he wasn’t concerned about when considering Inde’s age. I will give you a copy of the report for your records.
Well … I am off to Alaska for a week of fly fishing. Can’t wait since I have never been to Alaska, I am sure that we will have a blast.
Thinking of you guys,
Hugs to all

August 20, 2006
I am doing great. Unfortunately, my summer at the ranch is coming to an end without getting to ride with you. It was too hot here most of the time for me to suggest you come here, and the obstacle to me going there was having the dog to worry about.
You will be so proud of Scottie. Everyone loves him–he is so beautiful and such a great trail horse–he is constantly getting compliments. Everyone I have ridden with here admires how easy going and calm he is on the trail–and we have been ponying Alice’s horse all summer on some challenging trails as well. There are several people here who would like to find a horse just like Scottie. He’s a great advertisement for you and Working Western Morgans.
I think we are going to carry a flag at the Labor Day Team Penning event in the opening ceremonies, so lots more people will see him if that happens. We are practicing!

October 6, 2005
Jo and Brent,
This last weekend at the ranch Alice put on a small sensory clinic for the members of the Piute Mountain Riding Club. We had about 12 participants, and it was Scottie’s first time doing a sensory clinic. You would have been so proud of him. He stepped on all the plastic tarps, even the ones that were blowing in the breeze. He walked past all the blowing balloons and the plastic bags blowing and rustling on the fence. He walked up to the chair festooned with balloons and sniffed it. The best part was when he dragged the tire both behind him and toward him as he smoothly backed up.
Everyone was quite impressed with him as he was the youngest horse there! I was very proud–he was so quiet and calm, he even helped a couple of other horses through the course!
Your early training with him is really paying off. Combined with his riding training, he is awesome. I can tell that all his self-confidence has been preserved during training. We’ve all seen horses whose self-confidence has been destroyed by bad training–and it’s not pretty.
What a great horse he is!